First Round of Abstract Submission Ends: Mar 28, 2024
Extended Early Bird Ends: Dec 28, 2023

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Claudia A. F. Aiub
UNILAB, Brazil
Title: Will update soon
Claudia A. F. Aiub works in the research area of Toxicology involving natural and synthetic products, molecular genetics and mutagenesis with cooperation in research at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ-INCQS, IOC and FARmanguinhos), and other universities from Brazil (UERJ, UNIRIO, UFRJ). She is an associate professor at UNILAB (University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony). Has a Postdoctoral degree in Molecular Genetics (University of Salzburg, Austria) and a PhD in Biosciences, in the area of Nuclear Biosciences (UERJ, Brazil). Her master's degree was in the area of Physiology and Biochemistry of Recent Groups (PUCRS, Brazil) and she is an expert in Toxicology (UNB, Brazil). Works as peer-review for many internationals journals as ETAP (Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology), GMR (Genetics and Molecular Biology), Marine Drugs, Toxicology Letters, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, Journal of Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacoproteomics, and Food and Chemical Toxicology.
Prof. Zheyu Shen
Southern Medical University, China
Title: Magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents and the applications for tumor ferroptosis therapy
Prof. Zheyu Shen (ORCiD: 0000-0002-0350-375X) received his Ph. D. from the Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), under the supervision of Prof. Guanghui Ma and Prof. Toshiaki Dobashi (Gunma University, Japan). After postdoctoral studies with Prof. Kazuhiro Kohama (Gunma University, Japan) and Prof. Sheng Dai (The University of Adelaide, Australia), he was appointed an Associate Professor (2012) and promoted to Full Professor (2015) at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, CAS. After three years of visiting scholar at the National Institutes of Health (USA) under the supervision of Prof. Xiaoyuan (Shawn) Chen, he joined Southern Medical University (Guangzhou, China) as a Full Professor in 2019. He has published over 100 papers with > 8800 citations and 51 of H-index. His lab focuses on MRI contrast agents, tumor ferroptosis therapy, and immunotherapy.
Prof. Irena Kostova
Medical University- Sofia, Bulgaria
Title: Will update soon
Prof. Irena Kostova is one of the World’s Top 1% of scientists according to Stanford University's ranking of scientists with the greatest contribution to the development of modern science. She graduated from Mendeleev University in Moscow with the highest grade. Defended her PhD and DSc theses at MU-Sofia where she is currently a full professor at Chemistry Department. Graduated her second specialization “Theoretical bases of medical chemistry” at MU-Sofia. Her research interests include the developmental work in theoretical and coordination chemistry, vibrational spectroscopy, pharmacological investigations of biologically active compounds etc. Author of about 200 publications with high impact factor and h-index, several textbooks, education book materials and monographs with around 7000 citations in indexed journals. She has been a lecturer at renowned universities in India, Austria, Italy, Romania, Spain, Slovakia etc. Member of the organizing committees of over 30 international conferences. She is an Editor of 7 prestigious international scientific journals, a member of the Editorial Boards of over 25 international journals and a reviewer for numerous high-ranking journals and international projects. She has created and maintains collaborations with a number of European universities in the framework of joint research projects and European programs.